Australian Junk Mail Survey

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Client Information

Many retailers use & benefit from the distribution of catalogues,  handbills, flyers, leaflets, and pamphlets, into household letterboxes, better known as Junk Mail.

With over 20 years experience in letterbox distributions, the most commonly asked question of the advertising distributor is:-

“How do I know my advertising material will be distributed, & distributed on time, & distributed into the correct areas?”

This site was established to help retailers to provide the key to answer this vital question.

With an extensive all-round knowledge of letterbox delivery, we have established a truly independent method for the retailer to audit, or monitor the distributing of their catalogues & if,when & where they are received.

As letterbox auditors, we recruit & survey residents in all areas, & using the latest electronic mapping software, we can geo-code (pin-point) the recipients addresses, & provide in real time to the retailer, a visual image, cross referenced to Census Collection Districts (C.C.D.’ s)

Our Point Of Difference

We are independant of the letterbox distributor. Our recruits are screened to ensure they are suitable for the task at hand, & have a keen interest in the advertising material they receive in their letterbox. We have at least 30,000 members across Australia, spread across every serviceable Census Collection District. That’s approximately 0.5% of the serviceable letterboxes throughout Australia, or three to four addresses for every letterbox walker in Australia.

High Standards

Honesty & Integrity are foremost, and our client’s total satisfaction is paramount. We set the highest standards for the letterbox distribution industry, & measure the results.


We will be inviting retailers, to trial our service in the very near future. Being totally independent we can check any area, any distributor, at any time.

To register your interest please Contact Us

© 2025 Australian Junk Mail Survey